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Identification Bureau

The Identification Bureau is primarily responsible for the accurate identification through various means of inmates processed through the Sheriff’s two jails.  The Bureau also provides identification related services to the courts, the State of Ohio, and law enforcement agencies.  Units within the bureau are located at both FCCC1 and FCCC2,
In each unit, identification technicians are responsible for the electronic capture, searching and storage of biometric data (fingerprints, palm prints, photographs), DNA collection, recording arrest and/or processing data to updated local files.  The review and forward the information to the courts, Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCI&I).  The staff offers additional support to the courts, law enforcement, and the Sheriff’s Investigations Division.
The Identification Bureau additionally is responsible for a multitude of tasks dealing with the conversion of paper files to electronic storage, sealings/expungements, and responding to questions presented by the public and government agencies.

Phone: (614) 525-3835
Supervisor: Amanda Haines