Police, Ambulance, Fire
See Something - Say Something
Sex Offender's Database
The Information Technology (IT) Department provides extensive project management services, technology leadership, and consulting to the Sheriff's Office and many other law enforcement agencies in the Central Ohio region.
The primary activities of IT include the research, procurement, installation, and maintenance of all computer workstations, servers, physical and virtual technological infrastructures including network based database designs, and specialized vendor systems within the Sheriff's Office. This includes more than 800 computers, 180 printers, 80 Mobile Data Terminals (MDT), and various forms of mobile communication equipment. IT provides emergency support for Sheriff's Office applications year-round, 24 hours a day.
IT collaborates with law enforcement and criminal justice partners throughout the county to develop technology solutions that will assist them in investigating and solving cases, while also preventing crime. IT advances public safety communications by providing support for the Sheriff's Office E911/Communications Center.
Information Technology Department James A. Karnes Building 410 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 525-3008