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Find answers to the most commonly asked questions!

Got a question? We'ew here to answer! If you don't see your questions, let our recruiters know!



  • The number hired will vary depending upon budget, vacancy, and overall needs of the Sheriff’s Office.


  • To stay updated you will need to go to our application website, once you have logged in, in the top left-hand corner of the page, under “Menu”, select “Class Specifications”. Once you have located the job(s) that you have interest in, click on the job – a screen will appear with the job description information on it. If there is a green “Subscribe” button in the top right-hand corner, you can request a job interest card. The job interest card will trigger an email to you once the job has become available for applications.
  • Please note: some of our jobs, the job interest card is unavailable, and you will not see the green subscribe button.


  • Keep your contact information current with us! Changes in address, email address or phone number must be provided to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. You can do this by going to or click here and logging into your account on Government Jobs. From there you can go to your Account Settings, change your Contact Information, and Save your changes.
  • IMPORTANT: We contact all applicants via email throughout the hiring process. This may result in you missing important updates regarding your application. 


  • To ensure impartiality, resumes will only be accepted with our online applications. We do not review to or respond to unsolicited resume submission through email.


  • ​Go to our application page and see what applications we currently have open, to go to our application page click here


  • Vacancies will be listed on our application website, to visit click here.
  • For more information on our deputy hiring process, click here.
  • For more information on our Patrol Communication Technician (911-Disaptcher) hiring process, click here.
  • For more information on our civilian careers, click here.


  • Depends, our minimum qualifications only require you to have a High School diploma or GED. However, certain Civilian positions have additional qualifications, including college education requirements which will be in job description. 


  • The only age limit is that you must be 18 years old at the time of hire.


  • Our shifts are typically 8 hours; 1st shift is 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, 2nd shift is 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm, 3rd shift is 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.


  • There is no residency requirement due to a decision by the Ohio Supreme Court.



  • ​Go to our application page and fill out our Deputy application, to go to our application page click here

Answer: Minimum Qualifications:

  • Possess a valid Ohio Driver's License.
  • ​A High School Diploma or G.E.D.
  • At least 18 years old at time of employment.
  • Pass the Civil Service pre-employment test will be done by Recruitment Division. For more information regarding civil service pre-employment testing, see FAQ section for Civil Service and Physical Ability Test.

Answer: Additional Minimum Qualifications:

  • You will need to pass the Civil Service pre-employment test. This will be completed by the Recruitment Division / Training Academy. For more information regarding our entrance testing, see FAQ section for Civil Service and Physical Ability Test.
  • Must pass the Physical Ability Test (PAT). For more information on our PAT, click here.


  • Yes, you will be required to complete our physical abilities test at the Training Academy, click here for our PAT instructional video.


  • If you are hired as a Deputy who possess their Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC) certification, you will be re-classified as a Deputy 2 (Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission Certified – OPOTC) upon written approval from the Sheriff.
  • In addition, applicants with prior service with the State of Ohio, any political subdivision thereof, or any combination thereof, may afford the applicant increased vacation leave accrual and/or transfer of unused sick leave.


Newly hired deputies have two (2) different classifications; Deputy 1 is a non-certified deputy, meaning they are not Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Certified (OPOTC); Deputy 2 is a certified deputy, meaning they are Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Certified (OPOTC). In order to be classified as a Deputy 2, you must pass Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Certification (OPOTC) and be recognized.



$29.06 for Deputy 1; $29.71 for Deputy 2






Deputy 1 First Year:


Deputy 1 Second Year:


Deputy 1 Third Year:


Deputy 1 Fourth Year:


Deputy 1 Ten Years or more:


Answer: If you become Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Certified (OPOTC) and recognized, your classification will change to Deputy 2 and compensation will be as follows based on date of hire:




Deputy 2 First Year:


Deputy 2 Second Year:


Deputy 2 Third Year:


Deputy 2 Fourth Year:


Deputy 2 Ten Years or more:




Shift differential is $1.45 per hour for our 2nd and 3rd shifts.


Answer: While entry level deputies are assigned to the Corrections Division, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office maintains a broad range of divisions and specialized units that allow you to tailor your career to a specific area of interest:

·Administration Division:

  • Civil Bureau
  • Internal Affairs Bureau

·Corrections Division:

  • Corrections
  • Professional Services Bureau
  • Research and Development

·Investigation Division:

  • Detective Bureau: Homicide/Crimes Against Persons Unit, Juvenile Unit, Domestic Violence’s and Stalking Unit, Environmental Crimes Unit, SORN (Sex Offender) Unit, Auto Theft, Unit and Property Crimes Unit
  • Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
  • Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC)

·Patrol Division

  • Patrol
  • Canine Handler
  • Traffic (Accident and Investigation; Weight Enforcement)
  • Honor Guard*
  • Bike Patrol*
  • Pipes and Drums*​

·Recruitment, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

  • Background Investigations
  • Community Engagement
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Public Affairs
  • Professional Development
  • Recruitment

·Security Operations Division:

  • Court Security Unit
  • Facility Security Unit
  • Mobile Field Force Unit*

·Support Services Division:

  • Community Response Bureau (Community Intervention and Diversion, Community Liaison, Community Outreach, Community Relations, School Resource Officers and Therapy Dogs)
  • SWAT
  • Fugitive Unit (Warrants and Extradition)
  • Training Academy
  • Bomb Squad*
  • Crisis Negotiation Team*
  • Dive Team*
  • Drone Team*
  • SERT Team*
  • Mounted Unit*
*Not full-time units. Duties are done concurrent to regular assignments.


  • 1st Shift: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm 
  • 2nd Shift: 3:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • 3rd Shift: 11:00 pm - 7:00 am
  • Workdays: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  • Days off will be two (2) consecutive days

Candidates must be able to work all three (3) shifts, irregular hours, holidays and weekends.

Answer: There is a one (1) year probationary period.


  • If you pass our pre-employment test, you will move directly to our Physical Ability Test (PAT).
  • If you failed the Deputy pre-employment test, you will be able to reapply after 6 months.
  • If you do not pass the Physical Abilities Test (PAT), you will have 1 chance within the next 3 months to retake it; however, if you do not pass it within that time frame, you will have to wait 6 months to reapply.



  • No. Out of state certifications for Law Enforcement or Corrections are valid in Ohio until OPOTA certifies them, but in order to maintain consistency in training, every new hire will be required to complete our updated Corrections Academy consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks of training.  You will be trained in all Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Corrections requirements, along with FCSO specific rules and regulations and our new Strategic Inmate Management operational philosophy.


  • Yes, you will start your career at the FCSO in one of our correctional facilities and will not be able to bid out of corrections for a minimum of three years from your date of hire.


  • Franklin County currently operates two linear correctional facilities, but is transitioning to direct supervision utilizing Strategic Inmate Management (SIM).


There are 9 - Elements in SIM. Duties expected of all Corrections deputies include but are not limited to the following Direct Supervision elements and behavioral requirements:

Element 1Conduct safety and security inspections. 

  • Conduct searches of the housing unit common areas to identify and address safety and security issues.

Element 2Supervisory authority in the housing unit. 

  • Serve as the sole authority in the unit.
  • Primary decision-maker on matters concerning inmates and activities in the unit.
  • Establish and maintain a positive supervisory relationship with inmates.
  • Provide direction and coaching to inmates.
  • Supervise all unit activities.
  • Monitor all inmate behavior to ensure inmates are not exerting control over other inmates.

Element 3Provides information and responds to requests and concerns.

  • Use all available resources to answer inmate requests. If a deputy is unable to answer a request, a written response will be provided.

Element 4: Continuously interact with inmates throughout the shift.

  • Actively listen, demonstrate interest and concern, and respond to inmate requests while interacting with inmates in the unit.

Element 5Familiarity with all inmates under his/her supervision.

  • Able to describe patterns of inmate behavior and recognize changes.

Element 6Identify and address problems in the early stages.

  • Identify potential conflict among inmates through verbal and non-verbal cues and take appropriate action to determine and address the root cause.

Element 7Motivate inmates to comply with facility rules and behavioral expectations.

  • Ensure inmates understand facility rules and expectations for their behavior.
  • Serve as a positive role model for inmate behavior in the unit.
  • Use positive motivation techniques to encourage inmates to comply with facility rules and behavioral expectations.
  • Consistently and fairly hold inmates accountable for complying with rules and behavioral expectations.
  • Convey changes to housing unit rules and behavior expectations during unit town hall meetings.

Element 8Engage inmates in positive activities.

  • Understand and be knowledgeable of all available jail programs and encourage inmates to participate in programming.

Element 9Work as part of a team with fellow housing-unit deputies and other staff.

  • Collaborate with support staff and peer professionals (food service, medical, mental health, classification, re-entry services etc.) on inmate management issues and strategies.


  • Inmate Behavior Management is the core function of jails. Generally, jails have emphasized the physical containment of inmates over actively supervising them and managing their behavior.


  • Direct Supervisor combines two (2) key elements: the physical design of a jail and an inmate management strategy – to significantly reduce the problem inmate behavior comely seen in jails.

Answer: Principles and strategies of Direct Supervision and the elements of Inmate Behavior Management


  • Currently, this opportunity is not available. We are exploring a video tour of our new facility for potential hires.


  • We only hire full time deputies. However, we do have Auxiliary Deputies.


  • Please contact our Patrol Division at 614-525-3300.

Civilian Careers

Answer:  Minimum Qualifications: Civilian

  • A High School Diploma or G.E.D.
  • At least 18 years old at the time of employment.


Additional Minimum Qualifications:

  • Some specific careers have additional minimum qualifications, please check those individual career pages for more information.

Answer: We have lots of greatly opportunities for our civilian staff from different positions to supervisor positions. We even have had civilian staff become deputies. 

Answer: Yes, all of our positions when you start will have on the job training. The training time frame varies on the position. 

Answer: No, all position you have to be onsite.

Answer: No, we don't have part-time positions available. 

911 Dispatcher


  • ​Go to our application page, click here, to see if our 911-Dispatcher application is open. Once you are on our career page and see our application is open to accepting.


  • The only age limitation is you must be 18 years old the time of employment. 



Step 1 

  0 to 12 months  
OR probation

Step 2 

  After 12 months  

Step 3 

  After 3 years  

Step 4 

  After 5 years  
  Communications Technician  
 $27.94 $29.11 $30.25 $32.58


  • Yes. We do have Communications Technician Supervisors - 911-Dispatch Supervisors. For more information, click here


  • ​​​For our minimum qualification for 911-Dispatcher, click here


Minimum Qualifications:

  • A High School Diploma or G.E.D.
  • At least 18 years old at time of employment.
  • Ability to type 35 wpm.
  • Ability to become LEADS Certified.
  • Pass the Emergency Communication pre-employment test will be done by Human Resources. For more information regarding pre-employment testing, click here.


Our Additional Minimum Qualifications:

  • 6 months training or experience in typing, preferred.
  • 6 months training or experience in computer operations, preferred.
  • 3 months training or experience in customer service, preferred.
  • 1 month training or experience in operation of telecommunication & two-way radio equipment, preferred.
  • Ability to calculate fractions, percentages & decimals.


  • Yes. To be eligible for Advance Step Hiring, the individual must be currently employed with another law enforcement agency as a communication technician/911 dispatcher (can be any State in the United States).  Voluntary auxiliary time does not count and any current part-time employment needs to be the equivalent of 2,080 hours of work in order to qualify for one year of service.

Answer: The placement into the initial Step for Advance Step Hiring shall be based upon the Advance Step Communication Technician’s overall years of experience as follows:

  Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Communications Technician 1 years prior experience $60,548.80 3+ years prior experience $62,920.00 5+ years prior experience $67,766.40

Answer: The Franklin County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) uses a customized Communication Technician Exam consisting of two main portions. The first portion is an eight-minute speed test that simultaneously assesses for detail orientation, multitasking, and listening skills. The second portion is a 70-question situational judgment test (SJT) designed to assess the ability to read, follow instructions, use reasoning, interpret jurisdictional maps, and make judgments in various work-related situations. 

During the speed test, you will compare two 17-digit strings of letters and numbers and determine whether they are the same string or different. As candidates complete these comparisons, they will listen to an audio recording. The recording will randomly announce names. Candidates will look for the names among a list of names and indicate when the name appears on the list. During this speed test, candidates are not expected to complete the comparisons of the strings; however, they should accurately finish as many as possible while marking the names that are called out. 

The SJT presents candidates with hypothetical situations they might encounter in the workplace and asks them to choose the most appropriate course of action from a set of multiple-choice options. The goal is to evaluate the candidate's ability to make sound decisions and handle various work-related situations effectively.

The exam presents candidates with information about FCSO Communications Center, policies, procedures, and instructions. Candidates do not need to know FCSO practices or procedures beyond what is provided in the test booklet.

For this exam, follow the guidance or instructions provided in the exam booklet. While some candidates may be aware of other policies or procedures, do NOT rely on that information for this exam. In part, this exam assesses your ability to read and follow the instructions provided. 

Read the prompt and scenario thoroughly.
Take your time to understand the details of each situation. Consider all the relevant information provided.

Evaluate the options.
Once you've understood the scenario, review the multiple-choice options. Each option represents a different course of action you could take.

Choose the most appropriate response.
Select the option that is the most effective and suitable for addressing the given situation.

Avoid overthinking.
The scenarios are designed to reflect common workplace challenges. Trust your judgment and choose the response that aligns with your instincts and professional experience.

Consider the context.
Keep in mind the specific context of the scenario. Your response should consider the people involved, the nature of the problem, and relevant policies or procedures.


No. Effective February 1, 2024, we will be putting on our pre-employment testing for 911-Dispatcher. To sign up for testing, you will need to complete our 911-Dispatcher Application. Click here to see if out application is open to accept applications.


Example Situational Question

You are a team leader, and one of your team members consistently fails to meet deadlines. Other team members have expressed frustration and it's affecting the overall productivity of the team. What would you do?

  1. Speak to the team member privately to understand the challenges they are facing and offer support.
  2. Reprimand the team member publicly to set an example for others.
  3. Report the issue to upper management without discussing it with the team member.
  4. Ignore the problem and hope it resolves itself over time.

Please choose the option that you believe is the most appropriate response to the given scenario.


Answering Emergency Calls.
These situations are emergency calls that you are handling as an emergency call-taker. General policies and procedures are provided. Most of the questions require you to understand the type and level of the emergency and to make judgments regarding how to handle the situation. 

Dispatching Emergency Resources.
As a communications technician, you will make decisions to dispatch deputies. You are given some criteria to consider when making these decisions. Consider the situation, the criteria, the available deputies, and select the best dispatch option. 

Communication Center Situations.
Employees of often navigate high-stress situations. Teamwork is key for effective response to calls for emergency assistance. Employees must be able to communicate effectively with both coworkers and callers. Employees must also adjust to situations that may change rapidly. These situations typically involve activities in the Call Center. Use your judgment and experience to select the most appropriate and effective responses. 

Situations involving Interactions with Coworkers.
These questions present you with situations that you could encounter that involve coworkers. Use your judgment and experience to select the most appropriate and effective responses. 

Use of the Phonetic Alphabet. Communication Technicians must often give verbal directions and convey names or addresses that could easily be misspelled. A phonetic alphabet is used to ensure accuracy and clarity in audio transmissions. This section of the test provides the phonetic alphabet used and asks situational questions about the use of the phonetic alphabet. 

Interpreting and Using Jurisdictional Maps.
Dispatch to specific locations in the County. Communications Technicians must read maps to decide whether to dispatch deputies, or local police or forward the call to another agency to dispatch.

Be prepared to look at street maps with jurisdiction boundaries. Understand which streets or intersections are within which jurisdictional boundaries. Understand the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west.

This test section will assess your ability to read a map and determine who should dispatch a call from a specific location. For each set of these map questions, you will reference segments of the Franklin County Engineer’s Street Map. You will also be given the expectations of handling calls from various Franklin County jurisdictions. For these situational questions, you will integrate this information and the maps to determine the most appropriate response.


  • The best way to prepare is to learn map reading. Everything else will be trained.


  • Generally training is a 16 week process.

Answer: Training starts with two weeks in a classroom setting and then moved to on the job training where the person is paired with a trainer during that time. They will be crossed trained as a call-taker and dispatcher and must successful pass both sections of training.


  • Anyone that has been a dispatcher before will have to go through our training process however, the amount of time in training can be reduced.


  • There are supervisor positions that only those with Comm Tech experience can apply for.


  • Currently, in our hiring process, we require applicants to sit down with one of our expierence 911-dispatchers for job shadowing where you will get a tour and experience what a 911-dispatcher job entails.


  • We only hire full time 911-Dispatchers. 


  • We only hire full-time 911-Dispatchers.

Application and Hiring


Step 1:

  •  Fill out our application. To go to our application, click here
  • Your application will be reviewed by the Recruitment Division to ensure you meet the minimum qualifications.

Step 2:

  • You will be scheduled to take our Deputy pre-employment test along with our Physical Abilities Test (PAT). This will be held on the same day. The testing will be held monthly.
  • If you are unable to make the testing, please let one of our recruiters know and they will reschedule you for a later date. We try to be as accommodating as we can and understand that our applicants may already have activities scheduled.
  • To see if you qualify to be able to waive our Deputy Pre-employment test, click here. (take them to the testing page and have a section for waived test)
  • Once you have completed taking our pre-employment test, you will be notified if you have passed or failed the test.
  • Locations for our testing will be at our FCSO Training Academy.
  • If you pass our pre-employment test, you will move directly to our Physical Ability Test (PAT).
  • If you failed the Deputy pre-employment test, you will be able to reapply after 6 months.
  • If you do not pass the Physical Abilities Test (PAT), you will have 1 chance within the next 3 months to retake it; however, if you do not pass it within that time frame, you will have to wait 6 months to reapply.
  • Applicants that pass our Deputy pre-employment test and the Physical Abilities Test (PAT) will proceed to our Background Investigations Unit.
 Step 3:
  • There your application will be investigating your records check, employment, references, credit, etc. You will also have a Computer Voice Stress Analysis to verify history and information provided. 
  • Photographs and fingerprints are also taken.
  • All information submitted will be reviewed to determine if job requirements can be met by the Recruitment and Background Division Chain of Command.  
  • Upon review and approval, the candidate may be set for a panel interview with FCSO Command Staff where competency based interview questions will be asked for evaluation.
  • For information on our competency-based interview, click here.
  • If your pass the Chief Panel Interview, you will receive a conditional offer from the Chief Deputy Hill from the  Recruitment Division.

Step 4:

  • Those that have receive conditional offers, will be contacted by our Human Resources office regarding your Medical/Physical exam, Drug test and Psychological Evaluation.
  •  You must pass a medical/physical exam to evaluate the applicant's fitness for duty along with submitting and passing a drug screening.
  • After we have received, the Sheriff will review all the information. A formal offer may be extended.
  • New Deputy Cadets: Will be assigned to the training academy and begin 10 weeks of training. 


Our hiring process could take at least 6 months.

Applicants are subject to a background investigation which includes:

  • Criminal Record Check
  • Driving Record Check
  • Credit Report Check
  • Employment Verifications
  • Personal and Professional References Check
  • A Computer Voice Stress Analysis 
All Applicants must pass:
  • Chief’s Panel Interview
  • Pre-Employment exam,
  • Medical/physical exam,
  • Psychological exam, and
  • Drug screening.


Step 1:

  • Fill out the application in its entirety on our website. 
  • Once your application has been received, you will be sent a personal history statement and background release forms to complete; please fill out in its entirety
  • Initial background screening of the personal history statement and application.

Step 2: 

  • After passing the initial background screening, applicants will be notified to schedule during available dates and times to interview with Human Resources personnel and the chain of command. 

Step 3:

  • There your application will be investigating your records check, employment, references, credit, etc. You will also have a Computer Voice Stress Analysis to verify history and information provided. 
  • Photographs and fingerprints are also taken.
  • All information submitted will be reviewed to determine if job requirements can be met by the Recruitment and Background Division Chain of Command.  

Step 4:

  • Applicants receiving conditional offers must submit and pass a drug screening.  After passing this step, a formal offer may be extended.  Probationary periods can vary depending on the position. 


Our hiring process could take at least 6 months.

Applicants are subject to a background investigation which includes:

  • Criminal Record Check
  • Driving Record Check
  • Credit Report Check
  • Employment Verifications
  • Personal and Professional References Check
  • A Computer Voice Stress Analysis 
All Applicants must pass:
  • Panel Interview
  • Medical/physical exam - for our Cook Positions
  • Drug screening.


Step 1:

  • Complete the employment application in its entirety. Go to our application page, click here, to see if our 911-Dispatcher application is open. Once you are on our career page and see our application is open to accepting.
  • Take the Emergency Communication Pre-Employment test 

Step 2:

  • You will be sent a personal history questionnaire and background release forms to fill out; please fill it out in its entirety and send back to the Human Resource Department. Applicants will have an initial background screening.

Step 3:

  • Applicants passing the initial background screening will be scheduled to interview with Human Resources personnel and the chain-of-command to address suitability for the position.

Step 4:

  • A full background investigation is conducted along with a Computer Voice Stress Analysis to verify history and information provided.
  • Photographs and fingerprints are taken.
  • A job shadow in our Communication Center with one of our experienced Communication Technicians (911-Dispatchers).

Step 5:

  • Applicants receiving conditional offers must submit to and pass a drug screening. After passing this step, a final employment offer may be extended.
  • The Communication Technician probationary period is one (1) year. 



Our hiring process could take at least 6 months.

Applicants are subject to a background investigation which includes:

  • Criminal Record Check
  • Driving Record Check
  • Credit Report Check
  • Employment Verifications
  • Personal and Professional References Check
  • A Computer Voice Stress Analysis 
All Applicants must pass:
  • Job Shadowing
  • Panel Interview
  • Pre-Employment exam, and
  • Drug screening.


  • We have different phases in our hiring process depending on which position you are looking to apply for.
    • For our Deputy process, click here;
    • For our Patrol Communication Technician (911-Disaptcher) hiring process, click here
    • For our civilian process, click here.


  • If you are having trouble logging in or are having other issues with their website, please contact 855-524-5627.  


  • On our application website, you will need to log in under your account, once you have logged into your account, in the top right-hand corner of the page, should be your name or account name, click on that and a drop-down box will appear. Click on application. This will take you to another page that will show all your job applications, if it says application received, then we have received your application. To visit our application website, click here.


  • We would be happy to consider your application again; if you are applying for the same position, we only accept applications once every six (6) months.
  • If it’s for a different position, submit a completed application for each open position you are interested in via our application website, to visit our application click here.  


  • There are many growth and career advancement opportunities in our Divisions in our Administration, Corrections, Security Operations, Investigations, Patrol, Recruitment, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Support Services Divisions. See under Division for the further details, click here.  

Interview - Competency-Based

Answer: Competency-based interviews are based on the concept that an applicant’s past experiences can help interviewers understand whether the applicant possesses the knowledge, skills, and attitudes indicating they are well-suited to a position. FCSO leadership has identified a number of competencies, or qualities, that are needed to be successful in this position, and the organization. Typically, each interview question corresponds to a single competency.

Competency-based questions will often ask you to tell a story, asking questions like "Tell me about a time when..." you faced a particular situation or challenge.


In advance of your scheduled interview, think about examples from your past experiences (work, school, family, etc.) when you faced certain situations and how you responded. Do a Google search for “competency-based questions,” then think about and practice your answers. If possible, review the list of competencies in advance of the interview, and think of examples that might relate to each competency. Your examples don’t necessarily need to relate to the position. Instead, focus on sharing examples that show what kind of person you are, and how you respond to situations. 

Answer: Humility is an important trait. However, a strong CBI response is not about bragging. It truly is taking the time to share who you are through describing actions you have taken and decisions you have made in your life. Think about it this way: How can a potential employer know if you would be well suited to a position unless they start to understand what kind of person you are?


  • Focus on the competency. The competency template is like a “guide” to a successful interview, so be sure to share examples that show your strengths in each competency.
  • Take your time to respond; if you can’t think of a specific example right away, take a few seconds to think about your response.
  • Be as clear and specific as you can in your response. Be prepared to explain jargon or acronyms to the interviewers so they understand your response.
  • Not a natural storyteller? Try the STAR method of answering interview questions: describe the Situation, the Task you had to complete, the Action you took, and the Result.
  • Everyone has gotten nervous before an important interview, but just try to relax and be yourself. The interview should feel like a conversation, an opportunity for the interviewers to understand you as a person and learn how you might “fit” into the position - and FCSO as a whole.

Answer: Yes! To watch a video regarding competency-based interviews, click here.



  • Insurance takes effect the 1st of the next month following your date of hire, e.g., your date of hire is 12/10/2022, your insurance will start on 1/1/2023; or your date of hire is 11/1/2023, your insurance will start on 12/1/2023.

Answer: Our insurance is through the Franklin County Cooperative Health Improvement Program.

  • Medical Coverage is administered United Healthcare Choice Plus PPO - a Preferred Provider Organization – which provides coverage for both in-network and out-of-network providers. 
  • Dental Coverage is administered through Aetna. The dental DMO (Dental Maintenance Organization) only provides in-network coverage. The dental PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) provides both in-network and out-of-network coverage.
  • Vision Coverage is administered through VSP Vision  benefit provides coverage at both in- and out-of-network providers.
  • Prescription Coverage is administered through Optim RX
  • Short-Term and Long-Term Disability options - some employee contribution required - is administered through MetLife.
  • Life Insurnace is administered through MetLife.
  • Flexible Spending and Dependent Spending Accounts is administered through Wex. 
  • Health and Physical Fitness Incentive Programs
  • Incentive Wellness Programs - our ThriveOn program was born out of a need to reposition employee health and wellness in a new light. Rather than approach employee wellness from a “need to improve” perspective, ThriveOn supports a “desire to live well” outlook. A simple shift in thinking can have a huge impact on our motivation. Instead of the message that a person is inherently unhealthy and must work to achieve better health, the ThriveOn program encourages behavior changes made from the desire to live and be well. 


  • Clothing and Equipment Allowance
  • Promotional Opportunities
  • College Tuition Reimbursement
  • 5-year continuous service credit payment with additional payments each year after
  • Shift Differential


  • OPERS Retirement Plan: Employer and Employee Contributition
  • Deferred Compensation Program: Employee Contributition


  • Paid Vacation Leave
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Paid Personal Leave
  • Paid Holidays 
  • Paid Injury Leave
  • Paid Bereavement Leave: Employees may receive time off with pay following the death of a member of the employee's immediate family - as defined in the appropriate collective bargaining agreements.
  • Paid Military Leave: Paid and unpaid leave for military service is available for employees up to 176 hours - military member must be scheudled for military service and provide documentation.


  • Our shifts are typically 8 hours; 1st shift is 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, 2nd shift is 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm, 3rd shift is 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.
  • However, some of our civilian positions have varying hours/shifts.


  • You will have fixed days off consisting of two consecutive days.

Civil Service and Physical Ability Test (PAT)


  • ​​​Yes, we do have a pre-employment test. We currently put this on, a monthly basis. 

Answer: Candidates do not need to know FCSO practices or procedures beyond what is provided in the test booklet at testing. There is no study guide for our pre-employment test.

Our pre-employment test presents candidates with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office’s vision, operational philosophy, Strategic Inmate Management principles, and instructions.
Read the prompt and scenario thoroughly. Take your time to understand the details of each situation. Consider all the relevant information provided.
Evaluate the options. Once you've understood the scenario, review the multiple-choice options. Each option represents a different course of action you could take.
Choose the most appropriate response. Select the option that you believe is the most effective and suitable for addressing the given situation.
Avoid overthinking. The scenarios are designed to reflect common workplace challenges. Trust your judgment and choose the response that aligns with your instincts and professional experience.
Consider the context. Keep in mind the specific context of the scenario. Your response should consider the people involved, the nature of the problem, and relevant policies or procedures.

You are a team leader, and one of your team members consistently fails to meet deadlines. Other team members have expressed frustration, and it's affecting the overall productivity of the team. What would you do?

  1. Speak to the team member privately to understand the challenges they are facing and offer support
  2. Reprimand the team member publicly to set an example for others.
  3. Report the issue to upper management without discussing it with the team member.
  4. Ignore the problem and hope it resolves itself over time.

Please choose the option that you believe is the most appropriate response to the given scenario.

Answer: Counting Inmates in Cellblocks.
These situations provide the number of inmates within several cellblocks at a given time. The prompts include various movements of inmates into and out of cellblocks throughout the shift. The situational questions may ask how many inmates are expected to be in a cellblock at a given time. The questions may also ask what you should do if there are a certain number of inmates within a cellblock.
Conducting Rounds, Monitoring Inmates, or Other Situations Involving Inmates.
As a jail deputy, you will be responsible for conducting rounds by walking through the jail and looking into locked jail cells. You will also monitor inmate activities in open areas such as cafeterias or hallways. You are checking on the welfare of the inmates. The questions may ask you what should be done when encountering situations. Consider your judgment and the operational philosophy, principles, and guidelines when selecting the best responses.
Inventory of Personal Belongings and Cell Searches.
These situations will provide you with a list of items that are permissible in the cells or inventory. These questions may show pictures of items and ask whether the items are prohibited or permitted. These questions may include counting U.S. money, bills, and coins. Use the policies provided in the test when responding to these questions. Be familiar with U.S. denominations of bills and coins and know how to count the total amount of money given in the question. These questions may ask what should be done when you encounter certain items or situations during a cell search.
Situations involving Interactions with Coworkers.
These questions present you with situations that you could encounter that involve coworkers. Use your judgment and experience to select the most appropriate and effective responses.
Situations Involving Known Inmates.
The final section of the test provides personal information about inmates. Deputies often get to know personal stories and information about inmates. These questions present several scenarios involving inmates with backstories.

Consider your judgment and the operational philosophy, principles, and guidelines when selecting the best responses.

Answer: Our Deputy Pre-Employment - Civil Service Test is no longer a required step if you meet one of the below criteria. You must provided the information on your application in order for you to move to our Physical Abilities Test (PAT).

  1. At least three (3) years (1,095 days) of Military Service with honorable discharge. This includes the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Space Force or full-time equivalent of three (3) years (1,095 days) in the following reserve components: Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Coast Guard Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Reserve.
  2. At least two (2) years of current Law Enforcement experience in good standing.  Must be currently employed with a County, Parish, or Borough Sheriff; State, Municipal, Village, or Township Police Department.  Other Police Departments are not eligible to waive our Civil Service Test but are still eligible for the lateral hiring process.


  • For the Civil Service test, please see in this section the Q&A for: Example Situationsl Question & Types of Situations Presented.
  • For our Physical Ability Test (PAT), please see in this section the Q&A for: Physical Ability Test (PAT).


  • Yes, we have a physical abilities test, this will be held the same day as the pre-employment testing.
  • For more information, click here


Deputy applicants will be required to take our Physical Abilities Test (PAT).

All PAT's will be held indoors at our Training Academy in Grove City, Ohio.

Click here to view a short video of the PAT requirements. 

The Physical Abilities Test consists of five (5) separate events. Each event must be performed in a set sequence and is pass or fail. 

  1. Aerobics Component: Consists of 300 meter shuttle run, 20 meter high crawl, 20 meter low crawl, 10 meter dummy drag, 3 ft. wall jump, 26 step ups followed by a 20 meter sprint. The Aerobics Component must be completed in 6 minutes or less.
  2. Dead Lift: Utilizes a hex bar and the applicant must lift 140 lbs. for 3 repetitions. The 3 repetitions must be performed consecutively and in a controlled manner.
  3. Hand Release Push Up: The arms must be extended to the side to form a T position during each repetition. The minimum passing score is 15 repetitions.
  4. Plank: Performed by resting on the forearms while maintaining a straight body configuration in which no part of the body other than the feet and forearms are coming in contact with the ground. The minimum passing score is 30 seconds.
  5. Farmers Carry: Completed by carrying a 45 lb. kettle bell in each hand carrying at a distance of at least 140 ft. The kettle bells cannot be dropped or reconfigured during the Farmers Carry.

Please consult your personal physician prior to undertaking any physical fitness training or strenuous exercise. 


  • Our pre-employment test will be held at our Training Academy in Grove City. 
  • Yes, we put on our own test monthly. 

Deputy Academy


  • Approximately 10 weeks.


  • Our 10-week corrections academy program is intense, highly detailed, and covers more than basic correctional curriculum. Along with supervisors and instructors, we utilize a paramilitary format which features drill instruction integrated with instructor sessions and classes.
  • Cadets should be physically ready for high intensity activity such as physical training sessions (i.e. running, sit-up, push-ups, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), etc.), self-defense tactics and drill instruction. Training in cardio as well as strength is encouraged and be prepared to show a strong work ethic during every session.


  • Some cadets will start directly in the correctional facilities, be assigned a Field Training Officer (FTO), and attend the academy later; or you will attend the 10-week corrections training academy first and FTO upon completion. All cadets must compete and pass the 10-week corrections training academy within the first year of employment to receive a Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission (OPOTC) Corrections certifications.


  • Yes, you must complete training at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office training academy.
  • Lateral transfers from Ohio or other states are not accepted, they must go through our whole hiring process; however to see if you are eligible to waive our Civil Service Test, please go to the FAQ section under Civil Service and Physical Ability Test (PAT). 


  • There is no fee to attend our training academy.


  • If you currently possess an Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC) Corrections certification you will be required to complete our training academy and become certified according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office standards.


  • For 2024, the starting salary for Deputy 1 is $29.06 per hour / $60,444.80 annually.
  • You will receive full health benefits after a grace period established by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners.
  • The Sheriff’s Office selection process is competitive and lengthy. Our aim is to select a high quality, diverse and motivated group of candidates who will succeed with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. 


  • Newly graduated deputies will enter a Field Training Program at one of our Correctional Facilities for three (3) months of one-on-one training with a Field Training Officer. Generally, you are assigned to a correction's shift in one of our two (2) facilities. Your work schedule will be five (5) eight-hour days with two (2) consecutive days off.


  • Yes, our training academy is not a live-in academy.


  • We target classes for Spring and Fall; however, budget, vacancies, and overall needs of the office will ultimately dictate starts dates.

Experience Matters - Deputy Lateral Transfer


  •  All Advance Step deputies will start as Deputy 1 and advance to Deputy 2
  • Advance Step Deputies with ten (10) or more years of Service Credit will be placed in Step D and will advance to Step E upon the completion of one (1) year of service with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office as a bargaining unit member.
  • Per the collective bargaining agreement, newly hired deputies already peace officer training certified shall be assigned to the Deputy 2 (POTC) classification upon written approval of the Sheriff or after one (1) year in the Deputy 1 (Non-POTC) classification. 

Answer: The placement into the initial Step for Advance Step Hiring shall be based upon the Advance Step Deputy’s Service Credit as follows:

  Step B Step C Step D
Deputy 1 (Non-POTC) 2 years prior experience $63,460.80 3 years prior experience $66,622.40 4+ years prior experience $73,278.40
Deputy 2 (POTC) 2 years prior experience $69,243.20 3 years prior experience $78,395.20 4+ years prior experience $103,417.60


  1. Police Officer or equivalent LE (i.e. Constable, Marshal, State Agent etc.)  
  2. Deputy Sheriff
  3. State Corrections Officer
  4. Federal Agent
  5. Private Security (i.e. Ohio Health, etc.) case by case review and dependant on OPOTC certificate.


  • Yes, the FCSO has a lateral transfer program (Advance Step Hiring) for potential applicants currently employed with another corrections and/or law enforcement agency. For more information, click here.


  • Yes, your sick time can transfer but we will need notification from your previous employer. This would occur after employment with FCSO.


  • No, you cannot transfer vacation time.


  • No, you must be currently employed as a Corrections Officer, Police Officer or equivalent, Deputy Sheriff or Federal Agent.


  • New hires that have a certification: 
  • We require graduating the Corrections Academy and passing the Corrections FTO period to request recognition. These employees typically have no LE experience or limited experience as an auxiliary with a smaller law enforcement agency. The only exception for considering deviation would be if someone's certification could expire before these requirements are met, we will consider recognition. (e.g., someone who completed OPOTA but not has not received an appointment from a law enforcement agency yet and risks losing their certification).


  • In most cases, yes, your experience will determine if you start at Step B, C or D.


  • Yes, if you are currently employed in Law Enforcement/Corrections.


  • Yes, you will be required to complete our physical abilities test at the Training Academy, click here for our PAT instructional video.


  • The hiring process is the same for deputy and lateral transfers. Based on your current employment status you may pre-qualify to move to Step 2. 
  • For more information on all the steps, visit the Experience Matters - Deputy Lateral Transfer section in the FAQ webpage. 


  • In order to maintain consistency in training, every new hire will be required to complete our updated Corrections Academy consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks of training.  You will be trained in all Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Corrections requirements, along with FCSO specific rules and regulations and our new Strategic Inmate Management operational philosophy.


  • You will be credited with 80 hours of vacation leave after the completion of one year of service and continue to accrue leave as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.  If you have prior service credit with the Sheriff, as a corrections officer with the State of Ohio or a county agency within the State of Ohio, or as a full-time sworn Peace Officer within the State of Ohio, you may be eligible to accrue sooner and at a higher rate. 


  • Yes, in order to maintain consistency in training, every new hire will be required to complete our updated Corrections Academy consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks of training. 


  • Yes, your seniority will help you accrue more vacation time depending on how many years of continuous service you have; however, previous employer seniority will not benefit you in any way as you start your career at the FCSO, i.e., the ability to bid out of corrections to one of our other divisions or ability to move the next step in the pay scale.



  • Yes. Military personnel and veterans who have, or are anticipated to have, an honorable discharge are eligible and encouraged to apply. General discharge and uncharacterized discharge are also accepted but reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Active military status personnel can apply but must be available when employment is scheduled to begin.
  • Applicants who are discharged must submit their DD-214 (Member 4 copy) for discharge status verification.
  • Applicants in the military reserves should advise their command of the corrections academy training schedule and attempt to work out a schedule that will allow regular attendance of the academy. Remember, the cadet corrections training academy is approximately 10 weeks long. 


  • Yes, you will receive further instructions on completing the designated paperwork required when requested.


If you are an interested applicant and live outside the State of Ohio or in active military status outside the State of Ohio and will have trouble traveling multiple times during for the hiring process, please contact us at: 614-525-4955.



  • Yes. However, you must schedule your school around your work schedule.


  • Currently, this opportunity is not available. We are exploring a video tour of our new facility for potential hires.


  • No.


  • Prior law enforcement or military experience is a plus but not required.


  • There are no residency requirements to work for the FCSO.