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Christina Colón

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Christina Colón

Christina Colón was born in NYC but raised in Puerto Rico. As a Hispanic woman, Christina learned about her culture and embraced the language, which lead her to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and continued her college education and received a Master’s Degree in Education in 2008. After graduating with her Master’s degree, she became a Certified Spanish Teacher for grades 7th-12th.

During her years attending college courses, she found her passion to work with the community and especially with students in the Spectrum. She has a child with autism and non-verbal; that has guided her to work with Adults with Developmental Disabilities.  During her time at Franklin County Board of Disabilities, she was encouraged to work with the Hispanic/Latino Community.

Her passion has always been to become an advocate for the Hispanic/Latino community given that she’s been surrounded by families of diversity throughout her years living in NYC.  As Ms. Colón became Hispanic/Latina Community Outreach Liaison, her vision is to build a supportive relationship between the Sheriff Department and the community. At the same time provide career opportunities to the community as well.  

Contact Christina Colón:

Hispanic/Latin Community Outreach Liaison

 [email protected]

 (614) 525-7156