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Deputy Lateral Transfers (Advance Step Hiring)

  1. To be eligible for Advance Step Hiring, the individual must be currently employed with another corrections and/or law enforcement agency (can be any State in the United States).  Voluntary auxiliary time does not count and any current part-time employment needs to be the equivalent of 2,080 hours of work in order to qualify for one year of service.

  1. Police Officer or equivalent LE (i.e. Constable, Marshal, State Agent etc.) 
  2. Deputy Sheriff
  3. State Corrections Officer
  4. Federal Agent
  5. Private Security (i.e. Ohio Health, etc.) Case by case review dependant on OPOTC certificate.
  1. The placement into the initial Step for Advance Step Hiring shall be based upon the Advance Step Deputy’s Service Credit as follows:
  Step B Step C Step D
Deputy 1 (Non-POTC) 2 years prior experience $63,460.80 3 years prior experience $66,622.40 4+ years prior experience $73,278.40
Deputy 2 (POTC) 2 years prior experience $69,243.20 3 years prior experience $78,395.20 4+ years prior experience $103,417.60
*All Advance Step deputies will start as Deputy 1 and advance to Deputy 2 as outlined in the FAQ section below.  
*Advance Step Deputies with ten (10) or more years of continuous service credit will be placed in Step D and will advance to Step E upon the completion of one (1) year of service with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office as a bargaining unit member.
* Advance Step Deputies with four (4+) years continuous service credit to nine (9) years continuous service credit will stay at Step D until completing 10 years with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office.
* Per the collective bargaining agreement, newly hired deputies already peace officer training certified shall be assigned to the Deputy 2 (POTC) classification upon written approval of the Sheriff or after one (1) year in the Deputy 1 (Non-POTC) classification. 


What is the hiring process for a lateral transfer?

  • The hiring process is the same for deputy and lateral transfers. For more information on all the steps, click here.  Based on your current employment status you may pre-qualify to move to Step 2. 

If I am currently employed in Law Enforcement/Corrections and I have experience at another agency, will my experience start me at a higher rate of pay?

  • In most cases yes, your experience will determine if you start at Step B, C or D. For example,  someone who works two years in LE then two years at a bank and then eight years at a current LE agency would only get credit for eight years. Service credit must be continuous with no break.  

If I am currently in the process, will I get counted as a lateral transfer?

  • Yes, if you are currently employed in Law Enforcement/Corrections.  Currently employed means staying employed with your current Law Enforcement/Corrections employer until you have received a final offer from the FCSO.  

I was previously a Corrections Officer, Police Officer or equivalent, Deputy Sheriff or Federal Agent but I am no longer one, will that experience count as a lateral transfer? (lateral transfer hiring and pay scale)

  • No, you must be currently employed as a Corrections Officer, Police Officer or equivalent, Deputy Sheriff or Federal Agent.

If I am already POTC certified, when will the Sheriff recognize me as POTC, Deputy 2?

  • New hires that have a certification: 
    • We require graduating the Corrections Academy and passing the Corrections FTO period to request recognition. These employees typically have no LE experience or limited experience as an auxiliary with a smaller law enforcement agency. The only exception for considering deviation would be if someone's certification could expire before these requirements are met, we will consider recognition. (e.g. someone who completed OPOTA but not has not received an appointment from a law enforcement agency yet and risks losing their certification).
  • Laterals that start directly into the Corrections Academy:
    • We require graduating the Corrections Academy to request recognition.

When will I begin accruing vacation leave if I am hired?

  • You will be credited with 80 hours of vacation leave after the completion of one year of service and continue to accrue leave as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.  If you have prior service credit with the Sheriff, as a corrections officer with the State of Ohio or a county agency within the State of Ohio, or as a full-time sworn Peace Officer within the State of Ohio, you may be eligible to accrue sooner and at a higher rate. 

Can I transfer my sick time from the State of Ohio or county/local agency within the State of Ohio to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office?

  • Yes, your sick time can transfer but we will need notification from your previous employer. This would occur after employment with FCSO.

Can I transfer my vacation time from the State of Ohio or county/local agency within the State of Ohio to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office?

  • No, you cannot transfer vacation time.

What are your shift times and hours?

  • Our shifts are typically 8 hours; 1st shift is 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, 2nd shift is 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm, 3rd shift is 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

How soon will I be covered by health insurance?

  • Insurance takes effect the 1st of the next month following your date of hire, e.g., your date of hire is 12/10/2022, your insurance will start on 1/1/2023; or your date of hire is 11/1/2023, your insurance will start on 12/1/2023.

Can I take a tour in the new facility?

  • Currently, this opportunity is not available. We are exploring a video tour of our new facility for potential hires.

Will my seniority time from another agency count towards anything besides compensation?

  • Yes, your seniority will help you accrue more vacation time depending on how many years of continuous service you have; however, previous employer seniority will not benefit you in any way as you start your career at the FCSO, i.e., the ability to bid out of corrections to one of our other divisions or ability to move to the next step in the pay scale.

Will I start in the jail?

  • Yes, you will start your career at the FCSO in one of our correctional facilities and will not be able to bid out of corrections for a minimum of three years from your date of hire.

Is there a residency requirement within Franklin County?

  • There are no residency requirements to work for the FCSO.

Will I have fixed days off or rotating days off?

  • You will have fixed days off consisting of two consecutive days.

Will we need to complete a physical abilities test?

  • Yes, you will be required to complete our physical abilities test at the Training Academy, click here for our PAT instructional video.

Will I have to go through your full academy if I’m certified in Corrections?

  • Yes, in order to maintain consistency in training, every new hire will be required to complete our updated Corrections Academy consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks of training. 

Is there an age limit?

  • The only age limit is that you must be 18 years old at the time of hire.

Will I be compensated during training?

  • Yes, you are a full-time employee during training and will be compensated as such. 

What will the academy be like?

  • In order to maintain consistency in training, every new hire will be required to complete our updated Corrections Academy consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks of training.  You will be trained in all Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Corrections requirements, along with FCSO specific rules and regulations and our new Strategic Inmate Management operational philosophy.

I’m certified in Corrections from Out-of-State, will my certification transfer to Ohio?

  • No out of state certifications for Law Enforcement or Corrections are valid in Ohio until OPOTA certifies them, but in order to maintain consistency in training, every new hire will be required to complete our updated Corrections Academy consisting of approximately ten (10) weeks of training.  You will be trained in all Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Corrections requirements, along with FCSO specific rules and regulations and our new Strategic Inmate Management operational philosophy.

Do you have part-time deputy positions?

  • We only hire full time deputies.

For additional information on our Strategic Inmate Management operating philosophy, click here.  

For additional questions and information about the deputy process, click here to go to our Frequently Asked Questions section. 

To Contact Recruitment for the Franklin County Sheriff's Office, see below:

Telephone Number: (614) 525-4955

Fax Number: (614) 525-4638

To contact a recruiter, click here.


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